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Gutierrez Robles José Alberto

PUBLICADOS (2010 - 2015) 4.
2015 (3 artículos)
1) E. S. Bañuelos-Cabral; J. A. Gutiérrez-Robles; B. Gustavsen; J. L. Naredo; J. L. García-Sánchez; J. Sotelo-Castañon; V. A. Galván-Sánchez. Enhancing the accuracy of rational function-based models using optimization.Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 125, pp. 83-90. 2015.
2) J. Sotelo-Castañon; J. A. Gutiérrez-Robles; P. Moreno-Villalobos; V. A. Galván-Sánchez; J. L. García-Sánchez; E. S. Bañuelos-Cabral. Characterization of signals consisting of multiple time-varying sinusoidal components. The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. 2015.
3) O. Ramos-Leaños; J. Mahseredijan; J. L. Naredo; I. Kocar; J. A. Gutierrez-Robles; J. A. Martinez. Phase-Domain line/cable model through second order block. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. 2015.
2012 (1 Artículo)
4) Ramos-Leanos, O.; Naredo, J. L.; Mahseredijian, J.; Dufour, C.; Gutierrez-Robles, J. A.; Kocar, I. A wideband line/cable model for real-time simulations of power system transients. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp. 2211-2218. 2012.